Phone: 0800 848 0038 | Email: @support
Here's what you might see from us
Apache Web Server

Why choose NetEnterprises Ltd

We do inspiring stuff, but we also understand how important it is that things work!
We're sick of solutions that don’t function properly, and we reckon you probably are too. If your website suffers from "looks oh so good, but doesn’t quite work" we can help you out, or your internet connection keeps dropping out, we can help you out!.
Don't settle for second best!

Customer care with a geeky touch

We've got decades of experience looking after IT environments. Experience counts for everything in IT systems; it is quite likely that we have already encountered that "systems"" task you need taking care of.

"Best of breed" technology

We are constantly researching new tech, offering the best and latest tech to all of our customers.
We can do Voice over IP (VoIP) "in the cloud", or remote storage CCTV systems, we have something to solve your tech problems.

Using the best tool for the job

We're not the new kids on the block.
We've been in the game for a long time. We know what we're doing, and how to do it.
We've been around for a while, and have long term relationships with all sorts of businesses. We've been working in the internet space since 1994, the year the internet went commercial in New Zealand.

Easy to customimse

Build from scratch (bespoke) or enhance your existing systems. Talk to us about what works for your business and your clients. We can design a solution that will keep you up-to-date with the latest tech, and is just right for the market you're in.
